Thanks for feedback, Adb - bow is 67" with 2" wide limbs tapering to 1/2 inch. I'll take your advice for adjustments - he has to wait another week to shoot after some surgery. I didn't heat treat the belly of this bow and didn't give it any reflex before tillering. The set is more than I'd like and want to improve it on my next bow.
Question, I'm making another bow with similar dimensions but not as wide - it'll be 1.75 fading down to 3/8 at nocks and 3/8 inch fades. I've given it 1 inch of reflex before my tillering by heat treating the limbs using crisco. Should I try to get more reflex before I begin the ground tiller? What's a good starting point with reflex with a bow like this to wind up with no string follow? I'd like to recurve the tips some. I've just received TBB2 the other day and am studying the recurve section. With hickory, is it better to steam or boil? Is 60 degrees too much to aim for with an unbacked hickory board bow? Advice appreciated and thanks for the comments, everyone.