What do you guys think? Who would be interested in a monthly knapping article? A "Knappers Corner" if you will

Hi Ed
Hope all is well with you and yours. I've noticed on the forum lately that interest in flint knapping has really taken off.
More and more guys wanting to learn another "Primitive Skill" Seems like you start out building a bow which invariably
leads to making arrows, then you want to learn how to knap an arrowhead. This disease we all suffer from is a progressive
and virulent infection with no known cure. One can only treat the symptoms and hope for the best.
I was wondering if there is a possibility of starting a regular flint knapping section in the magazine? Lots of talented knappers
on the website that could be enticed to write an article. Topics could be beginner techniques to advanced techniques, finding suitable
rock, heat treating, spalling, punch notching etc. I think there is more than enough interest to make it a worthwhile endeavor and who
knows maybe pick up some more subscribers in the process. Thanks in advance for any answer.
Dana Montgomery
Manistique, MI