Chad, One of the other things I enjoy making Is muzzleloading guns and the accouterments that go along with them. Heck, when I started out in this field, my wife congratulated me on 1000 Years of social evolution in less than six months, Hah! Hawk heads are available from many sources that deal with muzzleloading supplies, you might try google up something under that. the ones I make are from castings, they still require considerable amount of work to get them the way you want them, but thats the fun of it anyway. I'll show a couple I made from castings, the first one comes from Smiling Fox Forge, and is cast from an original head, rust pits and all, so there is a lot of filing to clean it up, but worth it. I think it is the most graceful and elegant head out there, if such words can be used to describe a hawk head.

This one was a pipe hawk I made into a pole axe, it comes from a company called Track of The Wolf.

Course, I had to dude them up a bit, but like I said that, at least for me, that is the fun in it. Good luck in this pursuit, if I can be of further help, let me know.