Yes, Id go with the titebond glue, it is easy to get as well.....
Many people have 100% success with it, so, I think it good choice.
Ok, this is just a problem I have of recently...but I have had 100% failures with the titebond 3 glue using for the bamboo and ipe...
I really cannot find the reason. I degreased with acetone until there is no more oil, and the surfaces match perfectly, I use inner tubes to clamp....
Also, I have never had failure with titebond until I use for bamboo/ipe....
It look like cheese when it comes apart. Recently, I finished a longow, very unstress design at 50#@26, bow is 70" long. After a month of shooting, the top limb just slipped for 8" like rubber and came apart, almost snapping ipe wood. So far I had 4 more do same thing. Its weird because it happens while it braced, not even full draw....Is it the glue? I wonder if I just got bad batch....I really have no idea what it may be...I just go for urac for now.