Since you have to wet the rawhide for applying it's not a good idea to paint on it's backside before the gluing. The fleshside is not as good a paining ground as the hair side, also.
I've done several bows with paintings on a rawhide backing with both acrylic and India ink. see below.
Your plan could work as that: stain the bowback dark first, put on your rawhide, thin your India ink with water and it'll pretty much have the effect you seem to want!
Paint acryilic on the back of the bow, steelwool it and then put on the rawhide; but rawhide should be sanded very thin, like pergament (I used goat pergament on several bows; I believe it's the best choise since it is very fine, VERY strong and very even in thickness AND it's great painting/drawing/writing ground)
Hope this helps; I love painted bows!
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