Author Topic: Anyone use an electric planer???  (Read 7591 times)

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Offline JackCrafty

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Re: Anyone use an electric planer???
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2009, 02:06:33 pm »
Interesting thread.

I'm guilty of using power tools during every stage of bow construction....and I have messed up some bows because of it.  I have also messed up bows using hand tools.  The difference being that if I'm using power tools, I'll usually mess up a bow after, let's say, 30 minutes....whereas if I'm using hand tools it may be 90 minutes before I mess up.

The trick is getting proficient with whatever you are using.  Personally, I've tried everything from stone to state-of-the-art....but I tend to favor the power tools.  Mainly because of the time factor.

The electric planer idea sounds interesting.  I might get one eventually.  I've heard only good things about them.
Any critter tastes good with enough butter on it.

Patrick Blank
Bellows Falls, Vermont
Youtube: JackCrafty, Allergic Hobbit

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Offline smokeu

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Re: Anyone use an electric planer???
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2009, 10:48:00 am »
That was my dilema. I spent hours of precious time working on a bow only to break it or make a fatal mistake tillering or what have you. From roughing out with a rasp and a machete. I have come a long way.  I have a new baby thats a year old and two step sons 10 and 12 that keep me very busy.  So if i can save some time roughing out some wood... I am all over it. Sometimes i only get 30min or an hour before my bowmaking for the day is over.

Also it is my opinion that if you want a truly authentic weapon it should be constructed in a fashion true to the period.  ie. stone tools, etc.   I enjoy the things of mother earth. However, i must realisticly utilize my time.



Longview, TEXAS


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Re: Anyone use an electric planer???
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2009, 11:50:08 am »
you can also use a bench plane and take off lots of wood fast that way...