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Bows for New Traders

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Well it's about time Gus!  Welcome to the PA Forum!


--- Quote from: JW_Halverson on June 06, 2011, 11:12:49 pm ---Well it's about time Gus!  Welcome to the PA Forum!

--- End quote ---

Yes Sir I hear ya Mr. Halverson...

How ever its like I have learned before, I try to keep my mouth closed and my eyes and ears open.
That way I learn a lot and I don't step on anyones' toes...

On a different note, my first bow is a 68 inch nock to nock Osage self bow. I have finished my string jig and built my first tillering string. Have the wood in hand (Red Oak 1x's) to build my tillering tree.
And I'm ready begin tillering my new bow. Life is pretty good.

I have many of you to thank for Insperation to "Get'er Done"...

And I do, Thank You.

Best Regards,


I personally have about a 1000 x-girlfriends that all love to hack my myspace account and post gay porn on it and such... or used to when I had a account, so I usually OPT out of posting personal info for all eyes to see. ... Not that I don't probably derserve it or nothing...  :laugh:

 A 1000?? :o Maybe you ought to treat them a little nicer.

This is my first post on PA.  I currently use a Bear Grizzly recurve @ 55lb. I am able to draw and shoot the warbow only by drawing back while aiming sky high then dropping my aim down to the target. I have trained with this bow for the past 3 months and I am not able to draw regularly ( level instead of aiming sky high).If anyone has advice It would be very helpful. I train with it every other day and I have no gain with draw height only by pointing it sky high then pulling back I can achieve full anchor to corner of mouth draw. I hate to admit but yes I over bowed by self.. ;D . I would love advice or a trade for a 45-55 lb long bow at least 69 inches long and a fps over 150. War bow is new and always unbraced after each use and never braced only while target shooting. advice or trades welcomed. Oh and yes this is my first post and yes If you trade you will get the trade as quick as I can get it ready with every detail of safety. Also may trade for a table vice that is the same design in the last PA magazine with the rotating jaws.


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