Information and Resources > Trading Post

Bows for New Traders

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I know some wonder why people don't use their real names or include their location.  Personally, I have known friends who've had issues with people on forums where  they were spammed a great deal, or harassed based upon someone deciding in their strangeness to look them up, and low and behold, their actual names came up while someone else Googled them!  So their info was out there for all to see,...not something I'd want someone to be able to do to me or friends of mine. 
For me, its a privacy thing, that's all,... but after reading this thread I can fully understand the frustration and aggravation of you guys with bad deals, etc.  That's terrible!

For me, I'm more than happy to make a deal with someone on here, and "then" as we talk, give my info, ect. before finalizing and deals, trades, etc...not just throw it around to another person I don't know, and who does not know me.
Like I said, just a privacy thing, that's all...for me at least! ;)

thnaks for letting me know, i was one of those people that didnt fill much out, more because i wasnt sure how much of a help it would be or what use it would be , but i will now

i tried to fill it in but it wouldnt accept any numbers on age and i dont know what is ment by ico and all those oter letters. HELP> send pm please.

El Destructo:

--- Quote from: butch on April 22, 2011, 09:40:19 am ---i tried to fill it in but it wouldnt accept any numbers on age and i dont know what is ment by ico and all those oter letters. HELP> send pm please.

--- End quote ---


Butch...all of these are Instant Message Groups...thats not really important...unless you want to do a bunch of chatting off site...just go back and edit your Profile and add your Age...Location and stuff...should be no problem to do so.

Young Bowyer:
There are some bad people online, gonna put in some basic stuff, dont wanna have mafia guys at my door.  O:)


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