Information and Resources > Trading Post

Bows for New Traders

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For the  people who  feel  comfortable posting their  personal  information  on the  internet that's  fine, I  recently  however had the  experience of  some users on  another  bow forum  who decided to  play  dirty  pool  and  post all  kinds  of  personal  information on  channel maliciously while  moderators  sat  back  and  watched,
    if  I am  trading  or  doing  business  with  someone then they  will by  neccessity be privy to my   personal  information  during the transaction, if  someone  wants  they  can  always  ask  for references,  plus if  you  are  simply  buying it  is customary to  withold  shipment until  payment  is received, no  more  guarantee  is  needed  in  such  case,
    if  you  want to make  your  info  public  fine,  but it  is  only  prudent today  to consider that  choice wisely,  and  you  shouldn't  have  shadows  cast on you  because  of  your  privacy choices


chasing crow:
Guys, this is all good information. I too am not to quick to put out too much personal info. I would tend to get that out of the way in private emails. I have read constantly about bows for about six months and have learned a lot, but I am still not a knowledgable bow guru. And I do admit to buying an osage self bow and figured you just strung and shoot. I was lucky, it shot well right out of the tube. But, if it didn't I would have been at a loss. I think both have points to learn from. We are a trusting lot and all need to work with each other to avoid such problems. Happy trading>
Chasing Crow 

As a newbie i know i certainly wouldn't be offend if the seller asked for a Down payment or some collateral peice. as a buyer i wold be a little hesitant of a seller asking for Full payment before i saw anything as this tranaction is a two way street, i dont want to send off 200 dollars and never see any thing returned in the mail.

Bob Barnes:
funny/sad... Rick has been around selfbows for years...

I think you have me mixed up with Barb she was into selfbows not me..After she died I gave away most of her selfbows and archery equipment..


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