Very good. I also noted that you did the customary blood letting ceremony to the lithic gods. I have a piece of something in my finger, and just the other day, some flake fell into my shoe, and sure enough it sliced up my heel, and I think it is still in there. You will defintately need the band aids, and super glue. I have cut my self with obsidian, and not known it till the rock became slipery, and noticed it was red, looked and smelled alot like blood. I had bled so much that my eyes cleared up.
Also wear safety glasses, or some sort of eye protection, and knapp in a well ventilated area, or use a fan, or wear a dust mask. Micro particles, will be suspended in the air, when you knapp. These can cause havoc in the lungs. Like silicosis, etc. Just some precautions, to keep it etertaining, and fun. Anyway, welcome to the addiction.