I guess it worked OK...all except I popped the tip off one of my ears.
I don't really know what I'm doing though. I've never seen anybody do it and don't know exactly what a punch is supposed to look like. I just hammered the tip of a 3" long piece of 1/4" copper wire into a flat blade and filed the end square. I just put the corner of that on my platforms and whacked it with a bopper. It worked some of the time, but the corners would round off after about 3 or 4 hits and I'd have to file it down again.
The notches were only about half that wide to start out. But I didn't flatten out my wire but about 1/2" and when I punched it, the fat part of the punch went too far and blew a big chunk out, so I had to open them both up some more.
Any tips of pictures of what ya'll use for punches would sure be welcome. Thanks, Saw Filer
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