FInished Miracle Bow! Made of erc

I guess, I don't know exactly what the nock to nock is but its probably about 65", It pulls about 50#. I started with this roughed out piece of erc with a crack about 20" long from one side of the belly to the other. I copied the handle off another bow and it feels AMAZING in my hand. Also its got an arrow rest too as you can see. I made it by floor tillering one side, then I tried to copy the tiller as good as I could (I couldn't bend that limb at this point) I wrapped it with thread as you can see in the pictures and then I strung it. And the tiller was fantastic! I got very lucky on this bow

The string is actually strands of that yellow rope stuff which works good for a bow string by the way! I will put stain and laquer on it and post more pics soon!

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