Jack, lots of opinions as to how they did certain things. I figure ifin they had a good women,then all they had to do was to protect,hunt,fish, and knap? (maybe one other things)
They had the time to work on a piece,gather good mat/tools, and perfect their craft. That is one thing that impresses me about the paleo,late paleo period,they where so anal about getting good material, and getting it made right. Not much of that left today?
I agree about the right tools with ya, I've come to the understanding that most of their pressure work on points like these was with big tipped antler tines,maybe 3/8"? But.....The preform had to be RIGHT! That is where most of us screw it up...speaking about myself here.
It's something that has intrigued me since my youth.
Ya know I always wondered if they had a way to grind their preforms down like the flake over grind fellas do? Kinda like slab work? That might explain some things aboout how nice the convexity is on some of these older points.