First off, I apologize with the numerous Tiller advise posts I do, I just lack a little confidence.
Ok, this has been a troublesome stave from the beginning, but I have grown to love her. She is at 45lbs at 29Inches and I missed my target by 5lbs. I am thinking of piking, but wanted to get your advise first. She is at 66.5" NTN now. I backed her with deer rawhide. And she has been drying for 6 days. She is a pyramid design from 1.75" at the fades tapering to 1/2" tips.
I had her tillered well, but she had natural deflex, and cast was not great. So I took out my heat gun and flipped the tips. I am not used to tillering a bow that looks like a R/D design. So let me know what you think? I left the right limb a little heavy on purpose. It looks good to me, but I am not sure that last 12" are little stiff or not.
Unbraced after the Tip Flip

5" braced after tip flip

20" Tiller after Tip Flip

28" Tiller After the Tip Flip