Hi to all the friends in PA
this is my first post in the forum, but I´ve been reading it many times. I ´m from the nortehrn part of Spain, so excuse me for my poor English, any way online dictionaries helps a lot with new words and so.
Many years ago I started wuith makeing a bow with a yew branch and shooting, left it for about 15 years and now I started again with two board bows and some atempts wich ended with cracks.
I also was living in Chile for some years and read a lot about the Selknam or Onas, the aborigen people of Tierra del Fuego island. They were experts as Guanaco (a camelid) hunters, and some day I want to build Selknam bow. The bows they used were very powerful with average weights arround 110 and some bows with 136.
I leave you a draft of their bow and a link with text and photographs about their extict culture.
http://www.victory-cruises.com/ona_indian.htmlThe bows were made of Nothofagus spp., lengths betwen 1,34 to 1,70 m, handel about 3,3 to 4 cm, distance to the string in the handel area about 12 to 25 cm.
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