(same topic as in 'warbows')
Hey, wanted to show you guys some of my warbows:

upper bow, the '90':
76"ntn, 1 1/4" wide, 90#@32".
bamboo backed Massaranduba with small horn nocks.
flat belly
upper middle, the '130':
76"ntn, 1" wide, 130#@32".
bamboo backed massarabunda, selfnocks.
round belly
lower middle, the '110':
74"ntn, 1 1/4" wide, 110#@32".
bamboo backed Ipé, selfnocks
round belly
lower, the '70-pyramid':
65" ntn, 1 1/4" wide, 1/4" at tips. 70#@28".
bamboo backed ipé, ebony-bamboo nockoverlays
flat belly, pyramid frontprofile.
some details and pictures:

front - back:
70-pyramid, 90, 110, 130
130, 110, 90, 70-pyramid

70-pyramid, 110, 90, 130

a vid in wich I'm shooting my 130# bow for the first time:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22DLjwFVipono music, hope this works better: