An owl hoot, in the early morning will make a turkey talk. I was squirrel hunting in north Fla. and got bored, and I heard an owl hoot, and I hooted back, he hooted back, then another one hooted, and then another one. They are very territorial. Well this continued on for about five or ten minutes, and then the owls were in the trees, around me, all hooting, and squawking, and a big ol red tailed hawk was in the tree top, I was leaning against. I was having a ball. I am like Eddie, I feel connected to them. My Dad used to say screech owls were a Jonah! He said whenever he saw, or heard one, his hunting day was usually a no score. Anyway, amidst all this fun hootin session, I hear something tromping through the leaves, and then I see my buddy, come out of the trees, and he ain't happy. He says, " I hope you're happy now, there ain't a squirrel within ten miles now! " Actually, I was quite happy.
I was really enjoying it. Needless to say, we only had the squirrels that we had gotten before the owl session. I still love to answer an owl when I hear one. Before the lot next to my house was cleared, and a house built on it, there was a big ol dead pine tree, and every evening a big ol horned owl would perch in it, and softly hoot. Put me to sleep. I was always worried about my cat, with the owl around, but it never bothered it. But Owls are one of my favorite birds.