Heya Folks,
Well, after four months of reading and some backed bow successes with more breaks, this is my first fully completed bow and first selfbow. It is from a hickory board given to me by a friendly cabinet maker. Board was 72x1.5x1. This bow is 64 inches ntn, a 1x4 handle flaring to just under 1.5 width through mid-limb and tapering down to a half inch nock. This is my first flemish string and also first leather handle wrap that I stitched. I stained with a cherry finish and gave it three coats of polyurethane. It's my first bow that I think will last for lots of good use, 10th made including breaks. The bow is 50 lbs. @ 27" and dubbed "Self-Medication". I'm figurin' most of yall understand why.
Be well,
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