I have recently been inspired to make an English Warbow. After reading everything I could find on Ash warbows, I decided it was time to jump in and go for it.
I am going to try and build a +100# Ash Warbow. Started out like this-

Taken it down to this-
Width at handle = 40mm
Width at tip = 19mm
Thickness at handle = 30mm
Thickness at tip = 19mm
Bow length =1980mm
And it looks like this-

Im keeping it oval in cross section, as has been advised.
Thanks to Alan's site for the specs to this bow

, it is still a wee bit off the 120# bow given as an example by Alan. So far so good. I am going to stick it in the wood dryer over night to bring the moister down some. I think I am getting ready to put her on the tree and start the tiller.
A couple of questions if I may. When should I heat treat? And what do temporary knocks look like? I have some horn on the way, but up to now I have only used overlays and am worried about the tillering string slicing into the wood, should I just wait and put on horn knocks and tiller from there?