Not for BOM consideration since it's a redo of a bow I got from a trade.
Here's the story behind the Monster.
I've being developing some new hunting grounds that can only be accessed by either of road motorcyle of mountain bike, for ease of transportation I'm making a short sinew backed guava bow, but that's months away, I wanna make a Guava take down, but I havan't even cut the wood yet, I had this 64"ntn, 77# BOO/IPE take down, I pike it retiller it, and out of it I got a 58" ntn, 92# @ 26"
glued some cotton on the back and played with it, didn't like the strait grip of the sleeve so I build it up with leather, than wrapped with the thinnest cotton to keep it small.
Being shooting it for a week now, and feel real comfortable, I have arrows drying and will post pictures soon as well as lots of pictures of the rest of the set up
.....this is the second time I do an exteme pike and weight gain on BOO/IPE, and I'm really impessed on how litle or no set they take