I don't own one. I use a spokeshave. But let me caveat this: I've made 2 lumber bows - 1) Oak - crap - 20 #(but will back with bamboo to try to make it a bow and learn something) and 2) Hickory - decent effort - 35#.
Now I'm on my first stave - Black Locust off of EBay. This has been crazy! I've used a spokeshave. Have picked my ring twice and trashed it. The end that has the fat rings also has 2 big knots 8" apart and 6" in to 1st knot. Snakey and twisted (very mild) on other end. I guess I got a great stave.

In the process of trashing the first two rings, I've learned a great deal through pain. Now I'm probably on the last possible ring - but also the fattest (I've gone through 1" of rings) and have gotten some zen and feel confident and have just worked around the two knots and still am on my ring. Phew - this is an apprenticeship.
Reason I'm answering your post - I read in BB1 about using a curved but unsharpened drawknife to - go in and 'wedge' up the ring above your chosen ring, and that this is doable over the length of your stave. I've been so burned by my initial bravado that now I am scraping the rings off. Have you done this? I've experimented with a chisel and can see how it would work, but if this is a successful approach, I would love to do it and would get a drawknife tomorrow.