well after 2 1/2 months of knapping on my own,i have turned out a few nice points.
my most recent one was a fairly large obsidion point.
now i have been working another piece of nice looking obsidion.
its fairly clear with black streaks.it is from a slab that i got at a knapp in a couple months back.
it had a few air pockets or something so i had to reduce it down past them.
it is still fairly good size and the rock decided its own basic shape during byfacing it.
after most all the saw marks and air pockets had been removed it had the basic shape of a knife blade
so thats what it is going to be if i dont bust it in half first.
now i was wondering,as this is a first for me,how much of a shank should i leave on the back end of it for
hafting to a bone when i find one.
sorry no pics right now,its late and i am feeling lazy.will post some tomorrw maybe