Got to think this is my "dream season" for please don't wake me.

First day of my second season in a different county. Was thundering and lightening from about 2:00 to 4:00 this morning and quit but continued to rain hard. Got set up in blind and heard nothing but rain. About 6:10 saw my first turkey and a few minutes later 9 more came across the corn field.
They worked there way to me but stayed on the back side of blind. A few jakes came close but not to where i could shoot. I think all 10 were jakes and hens.. saw no longbeards. They kept walking to the north out of sight.
Had a short nap, called my wife and started to look around again for birds. Nap made for renewed enthusiasim!!
Saw a hen step out of woods maybe 50 yards away. Looked for something with a beard to be with her but saw none. She worked her way to me and was walking in front of blind and I thought I would see what I could get away with her and was going to try and draw on her. Could see my tom decoy moving in wind a little and all of a sudden a longbeard steps out from behind my decoy at about 8 yards.
I shot and hit him right where I was looking. I watched him run about 40 yards and he was dead.
Same short bow and arrow set up as first. 9 3/4" beard and 1 1/16" spurs.
First picture is set up and where turkey died. Second pic is hen I had been watching. And third is
about when my camera started to get water logged.
Lowell, in Illinois still dreamin!!
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