Author Topic: Getting to know Wild Edibles.....  (Read 8455 times)

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Offline david w.

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Re: Getting to know Wild Edibles.....
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2009, 02:22:59 pm »
My favorite wild tea is spicebush (Lindera benzoin.) Just break off a handful of twigs, boil them a few minutes, then let it steep a few more minutes and add some honey.

mmm... :)
These pretzels are making me thirsty.

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Offline stickbender

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Re: Getting to know Wild Edibles.....
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2009, 12:32:19 am »

     Sailordad, I had a nice coffee plant in my back yard.  I still have some seeds, or beans.  A Medic that I used to work with occasionally, had a Father and Brother who were the agricultural agents for Palm Beach county, and they used to travel all over the world, getting different species of plants, so She gave me a Mulberry tree, a lemon grass plant, a Japanese Green tea tree, and some S.A. Jungle coffee seeds, or beans if you wish.  Anyway, they all flourished.  The Coffee beans, you pick when they turn black, and you mash the beans out, or just do them by hand, and then wash them off, and put them on a tarp, and let them dry in the sun, and then you can put them on a cookie sheet, and put them in your oven, and roast them to the darkness that you prefer.  The darker the color, the stronger the flavor.  Makes excellent coffee. ;)
