Howdy Sierra K.,
Wow!! I'm speechless!!
Cecelia will absolutely flip over this gift from her new, faraway friend. The bow is beautiful, sleek, curvy, magical lookin' -- Functional Art!
And, she'll love the color!
Her mother could hardly believe that Cece is going to receive such a wonderful gesture from friends, "whom we haven't met."
I'll be sure to take a few pictures of Cecelia and her pals as they try out the new bow at our local, public archery range. The range is located in a large park, near our home, with swing sets, woods to explore, and a beautiful river with a water fall all within a short walk from the archery range. This bow will provide Cece and I many opportunities to spend quality time outdoors while I share, with her, my lifelong enthusiasm for archery.
Also, as I approach my 30th year in archery and bowhunting, this Fall, I will be marking her (our) first year.
Without providing details, Sierra, the timing of this gift makes it all-the-sweeter. So, I look forward to repaying this gesture through gift or time to a stranger in need. I'm truly touched.
Thank you so very much from myself, Cecelia, and our family.
All the Best,