steve, it's looking like the mineral lick is helping with antler growth. i haven't seen a deer like that ten pointer around the farm like that one in over 20 years. looks like it's helping some, he'll score well over 125 this fall. wish i could get a front pic to see his spread. i'm planning on hitting that corner good for this fall with food. i put down 1800 pounds of lime around the persimmon and apple trees back in the spring and i'm planning on planting a good food plot there this fall. hopefully that'll be a hot spot all season long with the apples, persimmons, rye, winter wheat, and rape all there together. the only down side is that's the spot is right beside gma land and every idiot with a rifle will be trying to hunt over the trails coming across the old RR bed.
i'll let ya'll figure out who can shoot straight enough to hit either one of bucks in the pics.

i'll just be happy if one of ya'll get them, i'm happy with a flathead.