This is my first post. Been reading you gentlemen's posts for a couple of months and stand in awe of some of the work I've seen. Can't say quite as much about the dialog but its OK too...

I got the bug real bad, or maybe real good - Is it weird to start to dream about wood!

Anyway, built my fifth bow - my first recurve with hickory, boo backing and thought it was a beauty until I shot it about 300 times this past weekend. The recurve on one limb pretty much disappeared and the limb started twisting. I think that the twist may be at a pin hole but really can't tell exactly where the thing starts. Maybe just bad tillering?
Does anyone have a suggestion on how to correct the twist. I already sorta finished it with some mini-wax poly. Should I take the finish off and try to straighten or ?? Any suggestions would be appreciated......

Trying to attach pictures - don't know if it will work...

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