This is agonizing. My first bow that I really felt confident on, took my time, and made something I was proud of. Shaped the handle today and put the first arrow in the bullseye. I was VERY happy with this bow. I cheated the entire handle off center to get it out of the way of the string/arrow, but I also cut in a shelf and window. Having cheated the entire handle layout over I thought there would be plenty of wood on the off-side to compensate. Apparently not. It started with a tick, then a crackle, then... pop. A nice crack running from the shelf up into the fade. It closed when I unstrung it. I strung it back up in order to open the wound, and filled it with thin super glue, then drew it a few inches to hopefully let the glue get all the way in there. Unstrung it, and here I sit.
Is it toast? Could the weight be reduced and get more life out of it assuming the glue pentrated?
It was 63 @ 28, and that could be part of the problem. It was going to be my big elk hunt bow this September. I just really thought there was plenty of wood there. Maybe I could take it down to low fifties, or less.
I know, it's toast, right? Or best case senerio, maybe it lives another year as a fifty pounder, then blows.
My gut hurts. I'm going to bed. Is there a graemlin with a person weeping uncontrollably.. wait... there it is

Only it needs one fist pounding the workbench whlie the other beats himself over the head. Is there a support group?