Got this morning!!

Had turkeys in woods maybe 150 yards away and set up blind in corn field where they always seem to come out and strut sooner or later. By 6:30 I saw a hen and 2 toms come out of woods. Had A hen decoy and a Pretty Boy tom decoy with a real jake tail .. (have used a full/mature tail other years and it seemed to make some birds stay away!!)
My son was hunting at other end of woods and heard the turkeys gobbling and had to take a peak so he belly crawled to corn field edge to take a look. He spooked the turkeys and they went running from him. And past me but the one tom got a look at the decoy set-up and came to me like it was on a tight rope!!
The tom came chest to chest with the decoy which was set up about 5 yards from my blind. Would have been fun to watch more but took my shot. Hit turkey and had broadhead go through but arrow stayed in bird. My son and I looked a while but saw no bird or blood so went home for a little.
I came back with my buddy Charlie (aka.. Jack Russell pup) We found a blood trail and took it maybe 80 yards and lost it. Just started looking on this thick hill that was full of muti-flora rose. Saw the bird and told Charlie we got him.... then the bird raised his head, looked at me and flew/ran over the hill out of sight. (Charlie about turned himself inside out trying to get away from that flying/flopping monster!!LOL)

Looked where I thought he may have gone and saw some feathers that led aout across a bean field. Went to next little timber and found him in a deep wash out from some heavy rains. Shot at him and just nicked his neck... the next shot put him down for good.
What a great day. Thanks for letting me re-live it one more time by telling my story here!!
And thanks for all the help from this site that made me feel this was possible!!

Oh ya... It's a short osage bow 44#@26" backed with rawhide shooting rose shoot arrows tipped with Ace 2 blade broadheads. Bow and arrows that I had made!!
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