Author Topic: garapa  (Read 2084 times)

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Offline chessieboy

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« on: April 18, 2009, 10:08:15 am »
My lumber supplier has access to this wood.  He said it is easier to get than Ipe. They said it was similar to Ipe.  The samples seemed about as dense and the only difference I can see would be the color.  Anyone heard of it or used it?  What were your results?

Offline african man

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Re: garapa
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2009, 10:53:05 am »
I use it in some of my laminate bows as the center lam and made some arrows out of it , made a bow out of it or it was Balaw backed with linen which took a lot of set and the belly crysled badly.Ipe is a lot more dense than grappa
Hey try it and let us know

Chris  ;)
we all die but we all don't live

Offline jhutch65

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Re: garapa
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2009, 11:46:05 am »
HI there,

Long time reader of the boards, bur firt time poster.  I have some garapa that I got from the local hardwood lumber place and I have it backed with hickory.  The garapa is VERY hard and dense and prone to splitting and chipping when working with sharp tools (i.e. spoke shave, plane, etc) but can be worked with files and rasps much easier.  It takes a very nice sanding and polish as well.  Becareful of the dust however, it is irritating!  I haven't gotten the bow made (still in the rough outline form) but it should be a 70" bow where I am hoping to have at about 50# or so.  Hope this helps