Author Topic: need tanning info help  (Read 2741 times)

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Offline Blacktail

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need tanning info help
« on: April 29, 2009, 10:42:46 pm »
o.k. what i am looking for is some help about tanning video...i do my best learning from video not i have a video by matt richards but i trouble understanding alot of it...and i was wondering if dry scraping is easer than wet...and if there is a faster way of doing it..NOW,i am not saying i want it done for me lol....just a better way of understanding what is going,is there any other videos that you have see that might be a differant way of doing this..thanks dry scraping better or is wet...

Offline smokeu

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Re: need tanning info help
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2009, 02:17:06 pm »
Ive never done these methods but they look good and not sure if they have a vid or not but has some good pics and info on the subjuct. You may try and search youtube  or paleotube or paleoplanet
Longview, TEXAS

Offline billy

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Re: need tanning info help
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2009, 02:27:20 pm »

I've done both methods.  For making buckskin, I prefer the wet scrape method...I think the finished product is better.  Problems with wet scrape is that sometimes you don't get complete brain penetration so you have to re-brain.  However, there is a trick:  if you brain the skin, then let it with the brains in it and leave it for a few months, then resoak it and pull it soft, the mucus seems to break down making softening much easier with less chance for stiff spots. 

Dry scraping gives a good finished product if you're careful while scraping.  Brain penetration is almost never a problem with dry scrape, as long as you get all the grain off.  But dry scrape involves building a frame and then hoping for dry weather so the skin can dry. 
Marietta, Georgia