Just finished a BL sapling bow backed with rawhide . It was about 3-4" and quite knotty due to branches coming of the main stem. When still wet I debarked and rough shaped it ,decrowned the back and a bit of floor tiller. Decrowned the back because the back was too high and there were knots in it. I left it open for about 6 hours a day and put it in a plastic bag for the rest of the time to try and equalize the moisture content and slow the drying down a bit. This I did for about two weeks , increasing the open time as the wood dried. I have done one where I have only wrapped the thick handle area with plastic and left the limbs open , but it was more humid at the time.
Cut yourself a whole lot of staves , fast dry some of them , so you can start imediatly and leave some to dry with the bark on. Working green wood is much easier than working dry wood and I find myself working green wood and fast drying bow staves more and more.
Hope this helps.
Just go for it Mike , jump in boots and all ...
