How's this for durable feathers...
I made a cane arrow about 8 or 9 years ago and fletched it with turkey tail feathers. That arrow has been across the country 3 separate times while I drove to Oregon. I killed 2 rabbits with in '01 and another in '02 and wounded a deer with it in '04. This arrow has been to Virginia, New Mexico, Iowa, and all over Georgia. It got rained on several times and dragged thru the snow in '02 when I slid down a snowbank in Oregon. The feathers would get wet and collapse, but after drying and a little TLC the feathers fluffed up again. The feathers were looking kinda ragged after a few years, but the arrow finally met its death this past November when I shot it almost completely through a deer. The fletching stayed inside the deer and the deer kicked like a mule, snapping the fletching off so it remained inside the deer. The deer ran off, but I never did find her because the shot was a bit too far back and I only got one lung.
I just left the same feathers on that arrow during its entire lifetime and never changed them, although I was tempted to after about 5 or 6 years. That arrow always flew straight and I really do miss it. So as you can see, the feathers lasted a long, long time!!