Drano...I meanDano..(soory my bad)

good to see you among the living still. Hows the fishing?
Jesse, LOL
Rich,I hate to mow the moles...grass I mean...Much rather do this kinda stuff.
Gordon, If all those where good, there is 90 some bows worth there. Still more to do,but need another full day to work on them.Hate to do a little here and there.Gotta set tools stations up and need them for other things.
There is alot of waste to this process.More so than some might be able to take,as I hate to throw any osage away.but one needs to be a bit thick skinned when he's working it out to diminsions. Pin knots are the problem of course.I try to leave any knots near the ends of the slats.And only back to belly knots pass my criteria. Side pins spell disaster.
Now I just need a good source for some pole bamboo.?Mike Westvang form Dryad bows, gets some very good stuff from some unknown supplier,but his lips are tighter than a good still mouthed coon hound.