Had some friends come up today and we got a little bow work done. The big kid is Guff, his bow is hophornbeam, 70" long, 1 1/4"@ widest point and 55# @ 30"....he is a big feller, lol. He did all the work, I just talked him thru it. Its his 1st bow...purdy good outcome I think

. The other kid is Luke...you cant have a boy in your shop without sendin him home with a bow

..whipped him out a little 50" osage with some good see thru holes in it and alot of knots...He left a happy kid. Guff drew a turkey feather on it for him(he got his first turkey last year and couldnt stop talkin bout it

). Lukes Daddy got a good jump on a maple board bow too but forgot to get pics... Got to thank my son Kamron(knapperderg) for makin the strings cuz I was purty wore out after all this. Pat, you might have a little competition, he's gettin good at makin purty strings....maybe tomarrow I can work on my bow

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