Thought I'd show my method of reduction starting out with a rock
. I like to go around the rock and stitch the edges which is simply to knock off chunks back and forth all the way around. This step produces good platforms for both sides. Then you can start your primary thinning, I sometimes get a little carried away at this point trying to get the largest spalls I can for arra points and wind up with a lot of my signature steps and hinges
. This ain't the best rock in the world but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
After spalling and shaping both sides, pecking the edges back and forth, back and forth, back and forth - well you get the idea. Then your ready for some Ishi action. I used different size copper boppers for the reduction by the way, ranging in size from about 3/4" to 1/2" you'll have a feel for when to go to a smaller size bopper after awhile. Several passes with the Ishi stick, and I use my carborundum abrader to help shape the peice as I go along. Once I'm satisfied I've done all the damage I need to with the Ishi, then I switch over to my small hand flaker. I kinda rough up the edges (just a little) with a fine abrader then pick all the little deltas back and forth - whatever side they need to go to to get the edge nice and straight. This last step is a combination edge straightening, sharpening, and symetry check. And voila! Entire process took about an hour - but can take years to learn the process
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