I first thought 85pounds would be around my max, so I made a 'very heavy' 78# hazel bow for trainings purpose. Then anothre 92# hazel bow, since it wasn't all that heavy to draw. Both were too short to be drawn to the full 32" sadly. I decided to make some 32" draw bows, from ash. The logs hadn't been dried enough, and a week after I cut them they already shot their first arrows. Being wet they took more set than wanted, but I had my bbi already in the works. their 90pound drawweight seemed pretty nice to train with, and I did 3times 4 sessions of 15 draws in the next week. After that I had my 115# bbi finished, and some dry draws, and some shooting, I can draw it pretty easily by now.
I haven't shot it quite much, all this happened in the last 3 months, due problems with the nocks, strings and arrows I couldn't shoot it for a while, but kept drawing it without release. last sunday I shot it, and I must say those 115# were pretty much. I shot 3 arrows, grabbed them, and shot them back, using 2 sticks as 'targets'. After like 40 shots my accuracy started to decrease dramatically, I couldn't get the third arrow fully drawn or hit the target. the first 2 arrows went okay, but after 80shots, my left elbow and shoulders hurt to much to continue, and I just couldn't draw the bow anymore.
shot it today again, and everything went way smoother. got a 130pounder in the works, and I bet I can draw it already, but I gotto see how things work out.
my advice for you is;
get a lighter warbow, around 80# (if very long, and a smooth draw, 90# isn't too much either), and find out how to shoot in the bow. Shoot it twice, or three times a week, try to shoot 3 arrows , gather them, and shoot them again. don't want to shoot more than 50 arrows since it isn't going to do any good, better wait 2 days and shoot again.
within a couple of weeks you'll notice you can draw way more. Get a heavier, say 100# bow, and keep shooting it. Keep doing this until you can't go heavier.
you don't need to be an arnold schwarzenegger, as Jaro said.
I'm like 73" tall, weight 160#, and I'm 16years old. Shooting 115# warbows

I lifted weights for like 18months, and this helped me pretty much. If you fitness, or lift weights, you might want to train your back a little more, some good exercises are
wide chinning
dumbel rows
rowing machine