well i have only been knapping for about 2 months now.
i have wasted my share of rock and obsidion so far,just trying to learn.
for the most part i have had to figure everything out on my own.
watched alot of you tube vids,been to one knapp in.but didnt really get to much one on one time
with anyone of experience.did get some pointers and all.bought some chert and some slabbed obsidion.
went thru the chert and made a few(by my standards)nice points,nothing real big.mostly birds points but a couple i would use on deer.
i have been having the hardest time trying to make anything from obsidion other than silica dust.
well i have been playing with one piece of the slabbed obsidion and developed a real long line of step hinges.
so i tokk my bopper and bopped it all off and started over.
well i have been working on this piece for about a week and half now,off and on.
had no idea what i was going to make,just thought i would let the glass tell me what it wanted to be.
well i took my time and managed to get all of the flat sawed sides off of the piece, and i think i ended up with nice convexity.
well by time i had all the saw makrs off of it,it just wanted to be a certain shape and size.
now this is definatly my largest point so far,one of my nicest also and my only one from obsidion.
the chert i worked needed so much more force and pressure to work it.when i started working on this i took awhile before i figured out to go easy on it.
but i think i have done well for being self taught and am proud as hell of this point
hers a pic or two,thanks for looking
