I had my bow and my arrow, with my homemade tin can arrowhead on it.I saw a squirrel about 8 yards away, got ready, but he ran off, I walked up 5 yards and saw him standing there 20 yards away.he kept popping his little head up, turned around and looked at me, and started running up to me. I was ready to take the shot when he was at 10 yards but figured i would wait for him to stop moving. he does his moon hop up toward me until he was
2 yards away from me. I stood there stunned, his black beady eyes looking at me, drew my bow, aimed straight at his head, and
missed!!!!!!!!!!!!didnt even hit him i think and went right in the stairs on my deck. now i gotta straiten out my arrow and wait again.Man was my heart pounding, and im still shaking as i right this.