I go away for a few days and this is what happens?
Our colonial friends will be thinking that our IQ is in an inverse proportion to our draw weight if you blokes keep this up.

As Marc has observed, most "factual" TV usually contains a fair amount of BS and it is also true that the contributor, if he does not have the clout to insist upon a very tight contract, will have little or no say in the content, certainly no editorial control.
I have in a different context been on TV a few times for one reason or another and the results invariably contained more than one misrepresentation of the facts.
The only one that did not misrepresent was an interview for an item on Russian Channel 1 News which contained what I thought was a rather good spontaneous sound bite about Robin Hood, but it might not have been used for all I know.
In the past I have had conversation with Hector about misrepresentation in these "popular" history programmes, but what the heck, if you are in business and they get your name right you won't complain too much about the free publicity.
The hard truth is that no-one in their right mind should regard such programmes made for the popular market as a reliable source of hard information, but even so there may be some interesting nuggets here and there.
I will admit that I find the sight of Steve leaping about quite entertaining, but will bite my tongue since I can't handle his draw weight, but compared to Simon Stanley and bearing in mind the advice of Ascham it is rather eccentric and I can only presume that he does it in a misguided effort to increase his distance and decrease his accuracy.
Be that as it may, I expect that Steve will get over it, but if anyone chooses to present themselves as something of an authority then once their head is above the parapet they should expect to see some incoming fire, particularly if they are careless with the evidence.
My personal view is that opinions should be clearly described as such and things presented as fact should be supported with meaningful evidence, with pretty much excludes most popular "history" programmes as a useful source.
But if this can't be handled politely, then don't bring it here.
It will not be tolerated.