I thought the clip was pretty good, mostly stuff I already know or take for granted, I also knew there were a couple of discrepencies but I was able to sort those out for what was really meant and saw what was "producers licence". It's like when you get that pedantic git that carps on about spelling and grammer (grammar?), those with a modicum of common sense can usually work out what is being said.
Couple of years ago, I'd have said it was brilliant. 5 years ago it would haver been FANTASTIC. these emotions are a reflection of my experience. For those with little or no knowledge of the weapon it was probably 'fantastic' too. see what I'm getting at?
There are those that don't appreciate there some that learn quick and get all prissy or close ranks among their clique when "that newby" starts offering advice or help, "who does he think he is?".
There's a fire starter in this topic who already owns his own forum, membership by invitation only. He must have had a bad day and didn't feel like cuddling up with his buddies. Well it's Friday, fight or **** night, maybe he'd better go to the pub to vent his spleen.
Steve, I know we haven't seen eye to eye on more than one occasion but personally, I think that anything that undoes the myths that have been put across as fact in the past, should be applauded. Well done.

I especially liked the part where shots are taken at ox bones. close range shots maybe but it shows that anyone hit by those missiles in battle, weren't getting up again.