Author Topic: Do Snake Skins Protect Back??  (Read 5476 times)

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Offline Staver

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Re: Do Snake Skins Protect Back??
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2009, 08:33:21 am »
Thanks Adam ;D  I put the skins on and everything that you mentioned was happening.  The bottled hide glue was expired but of course I didn't even notice that there was a date on the bottle until I read your entry :-[  So I'm glad you mentioned that.  The glue however, was setting up in minutes and the strands of "hair" that were spinning off were definitely forming so that gives me confidence.  It's a little humid right now and raining outside but the glue seems to be curing and hardening enough to sand it down. 8)  We'll see what happens! ;D  I'll be posting my new bow as soon as it's completely finished!! ;D ;D ;D  Joe H