i have really enjoyed a self bow i bought last fall. i have now decieded to build my own. I would like a native american style bow, preferablly ojibwa or other wisconsin tribe. I have a nice dried piece of mullberry. I am aiming for a 50-60# bow at 28"-28.5" for deer hunting. I am planning on a sinew backing.
question 1. how do I deciede a length? i've read outstretched hand to opposite hip but this is only about 52 inches and sounds short.
question 2. I have noticed some bows in your postings have a 12" or soon the belly side at the handle. I would imagine this allows a narrower bow in the center by acting as a bolster and making the bow less spine sensitive (despite not being a center shot bow). So what is that piece called? I have a niece piece of elk antler that may work well.