I just finished my first attempt at a board bow. And thanks to all the posts here and other forums, it turned out a success. I rushed into my materials and bought Poplar and Red Oak from Home Depot

. I know not good. But from doing some homework, I was able to get pieces with straight grain. Getting what wood I did forced to take my time though. I think if I started with a piece of wood that I was almost 100% sure would turn out, that I would've rushed and failed horribly. So thanks to all you bowyers, who time after time, answer questions from people like me. Sharing your knowledge and wisdom makes it possible for newbies like myself. Now, on to the bow. It's a Poplar backed Red Oak board bow, with Maple and Red Oak riser/handle. 72" TtT, 70"NtN and pulls 50# @ 28". The bow has a minor hinge in the lower limb(wood deflect I think). The first pic is right after glue up with about 2" deflex (I think...tips go forward). The second is at a low brace, and the last ones are the finish after putting about 45 arrows through it.
Any ideas for #2 ? I'm thinking Cherry would look nice, maybe with Hickory or Maple(is this good) backing.
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