, Alcohol? I think that was the problem, none. It was early in the morning, I used to do it with Flu-flu arrows out of a 40 pound bow. This was Chris Cades 55#, BBO recurve with hunting arrows with a rubber blunt. I just wasn't in the mood to get hit in the hand that early in the morning. To grab them you have to reach for empty air as soon as the arrow leaves the bow. The speed is very decieving when you are watching it come at you. Hawk, you are right, some were high and some low, but I touched almost everyone. I had the little, white, burn streaks the fletching makes when you can't hang onto it.
If you ever stand down range with a shooter you can trust, you will see how a deer can get out of the way and you will be suprised at the noise some of the fletching makes.