You done good Ryan. It stands perty straight, considering 1/2 the limb is recurved! LOL Nice width profile. I imagine it makes cast like a humdinger. Lovely fit and finish as usual.
Hope to get to see it in what... 5 weeks. Looking forward to chewin' the fat w/ you nare-do-wells as well, if we can get Greg outa the selfbowin' shed for more than 30 seconds at a time.
That fat ringed osage looks like mulberry! I thought for a minute you may have left one sap wood ring. I've been wanting to do that, and have a couple roughed out.
Slight correction, while I live in Mississippi, and have cut a right smart of wood in Mississippi, that wood came from Tennessee. We live near Memphis, Tn, which is right on the border so I hunt, cut from both states. Our place in Tennessee is up around Brownsville, NE of Memphis. I would attribute it's fatringed-ness to being situated in a fencerow on the downhill side between two big row crop fields, southern exposure for lots of sunshine. I expect it got plenty of water and nutrition there, and others on the place vary a good deal as do most osage trees.