I started this bow at Hawkeye Bowmens traditional shoot last summer.
I'm taking my time and going slow because I've never done this kind of work before.
It's still a work in progress, I have much more planned for this bow.
There is so much to learn.
I put a temporary Tru-Oil finnish on it so I could hunt with it last fall, and was lucky enough to take two deer with it while hunting from the ground.
My first two deer with traditional equipment!
I love shooting this bow!
I named it "Hawkeye Spirit"
It's 66" long
7" brace
47# at 26"
It has two silver wire inlays now and I will add three more when I finish it.
The only pics I have at this point are hunting pics.
I plan to finish it after turkey season in May and I'll post more detailed pics then.
Thanks for looking!