well im at again gentle mena,
trying to learn and doing as much i can... i was on my way home today got off really early... and i saw a tree company clearing some area off he side of Loop 12 / 408 area in Dallas and real close to my house soo i stop and talk to the guys and they said yea they are going to be clearing a big section of land in that area not real big but i'd say bout 15-20 acres... all being cut by chain saw and chiped right there on the spot... soo i emidaitly asked if there was going to be any bodark or osage trees cut if i could have them he said right away bodarck why wouold you wnat that twisted up thorny crap i have it take it all if you find any out here...

i walked the place and found none but he had alot of cedar that was going down and almost all the trees he had there he called hackberry... i went home got my hand saw and went back with a cousin and tried to get some saplings to at least get something out of that spent almost an hour trying to get some prospects... came home with about 10 saplings... didnt want toget in there way to much...
but no osage
anyhow i got a few cedar limbd that were ok...
is texas cedar any good for bow wood?

and i took some pics af what the tree guy called hackberry... to post up later...
anyhelp or advice is appreciated...