He was born with the crack in his hoof, his parents both were highly prized runners... so he was given to a friend of mine.. who was a ferrier.. years of hoof work paid off... I have ridden him an average of four hundred miles a year in the high country for years, he was left to me after my friend died of cancer.( Ima rio texas tiger) is his full name and he is a valuable and trusted friend to me.. Thanks for noticing the old injury.. takes a trained eye to notice.. he was also skinned from the knee down in a high country accident.. a greenhorn was leading him and he stepped through the lead rope.. the idiot had the rope tied off to the horn ... ripped and skinned him to the ankle.. I sewed him up right there and made a paste from old mans beard and willow bark... waited three days for the swelling to come down and walked him out of the mountains.. no proud flesh and you can't even see the wound anymore... that is why I always carry a small box of safety pins in my saddlebag.. works great for sewing horse hide in a hurry.. Hawk a/ho