You can also top coat w/ just plain old parafine, or Johnson's wax. Seems bead water really well w/ the wax on top.
I have had similar results w/ Tru-oil, polycrylic, etc. Spar is kinda dark. Epoxy is a pita to deal with and apply. I've been just using wipe on poly, 6 to 8 coats to fill pores, w/ a thick top coat of (hard parafine) wax worked in w/ a little mineral spirits. You can get a gloss shine w/ some buffing, or leave it flat. The wipe on poly can be used in a manner very similar to tru-oil, working it in to nearly dry. Helps w/ the tie ebetween repeat coats too. Kinda of an evolution for me from using as much product as I could get to stick w/ out runs to a really thin, faster drying coat but more of them. The secret to better results, filling deep pores in grain on the belly, for me seemed to be in the sanding and prep between coats, and lots of them.